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To: All the people

'Stop DRIVING and walk for your health'

I will start a 'pedestrian day' in my college by approaching and convincing higher authorities of the College. The activities mainly aim to encourage other institutions to implement such kind of activities, as well as to encourage people of a nation to start walking for their good health and stop driving for short distance. I along with nature club and charity club would also organize 'Stop driving and Walk for your health' day by starting a walk from college to Phuentsholing town by carrying different types of banners.

Why is this important?

Even the smallest nation like Bhutan can contribute towards the climate change. Bhutan is highly developing a country. Despite government being imposed high taxes on vehicles and fuel, the number of vehicles is increasing drastically every year. As per the annual info comm and transport statistical bulletin released by information and communication, the number of vehicles imported between July 2014 to 2015 is 8191, resulting in the total number of vehicles to 74,612 vehicles which is one vehicle for every 10 individuals. Besides, Bhutan is highly dependent on fuel.
College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing, Chhukha, Bhutan

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2015-11-17 06:05:20 +0000

Still promoting and encouraging others to take part in climate strike.

2015-11-16 11:18:52 +0000

10 signatures reached