We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a prosperous and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people, driven by renewable energy and rooted in justice. Now, we're giving the power to everyone who shares our vision to start and win campaigns to protect our common future, however big or small.


What is the 350.org Community Campaigns platform?

Our open platform is available to anyone who wants to get working to solve the climate crisis. By starting a petition or a local campaign in your community, you'll help us build connected people power all over the world, and together we can build effective climate solutions to build a safe future for all.

How does it work?

Launch your own petition about a climate issue you care about.

Gather signatures, keep your supporters up to date, and organise engaging events – all from one place.

Be guided by our dedicated team with over 15 years of experience in supporting grassroots campaigns.

What should I campaign on?

That’s entirely up to you! community.350.org is the place where you can run climate campaigns in the following categories:

  • Climate Solutions & Renewable Energy: to fight the climate crisis, we need to rapidly scale up clean, renewable energy like solar and wind power. Could your city, school, or church go 100% renewable?
  • Climate Impacts: the climate crisis is impacting communities across the world, especially in the global south. We need to stand beside these affected communities and gain support from local leaders to adequately address the problem.
  • Divestment: make a campaign to take away everything the fossil fuel industry needs to grow and survive: their social licence, their political licence, and their money. Could you get your local community to stop or ban new coal, oil and gas infrastructure?
  • Keeping fossil fuels in the ground: a reliance on coal, oil, and gas is heating our planet. Whether it's stopping a pipeline, targeting a corporate polluter, or putting a price on carbon, we need to take on the fossil fuel industry directly.

Why should I use this tool?

We will:

  • Provide campaigns with strategic consultation on media, grassroots organising, and more.
  • Offer specialised support tailored to the unique challenges of climate campaigns.
  • Help boost successful campaigns by promoting them to our global network of climate activists.