Support the Energy For All Guarantee: David LammyNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joanna Kuper
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Diane AbbottNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nona Hurkmans
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Alyn SmithNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matilda Borgstrom
Stadtwerk am See: Raus aus der Gaslobby „Zukunft Gas”!Wir wollen unser Stadtwerk für seine Verpflichtung zum Gemeinwohl jetzt zur Verantwortung ziehen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass das Stadtwerk am See aus "Zukunft Gas" aussteigt und stattdessen in eine bessere, gerechtere und saubere Zukunft mit erneuerbarer Energie investiert. Denn die Wissenschaft zeigt deutlich, dass fossiles Gas nicht Teil unserer Zukunft sein kann. Unterstützen wir unser Stadtwerk dabei, sich gegen die manipulative Taktik der Gaslobby zu stellen und eine saubere, gerechte und leistbare Zukunft voranzutreiben. Wir haben die Macht, unsere lokalen öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen und so einen wichtigen Anstoß für die dringend benötigte Transformation zu geben. Bild: Markus Mauthe68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Friedrichshafen Zero
Petition for Improved Recycling Facilities Across the UKRecycling is an essential component of responsible waste management and plays a crucial role in reducing the strain on landfills, conserving natural resources, and mitigating the environmental impact of waste disposal. While progress has been made, there remains a significant gap between the demand for recycling facilities and their availability in many communities.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Taylor
Badenova: Raus aus der Gaslobby, raus aus Zukunft Gas!Wir wollen unser Stadtwerk für seine Verpflichtung zum Gemeinwohl jetzt zur Verantwortung ziehen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Badenova aus Zukunft Gas aussteigt und stattdessen in eine bessere, gerechtere und saubere Zukunft mit erneuerbarer Energie investiert. Denn die Wissenschaft zeigt deutlich, dass fossiles Gas nicht Teil unserer Zukunft sein kann. Unterstützen wir unser Stadtwerk dabei, sich gegen die manipulative Taktik der Gaslobby zu stellen und eine saubere, gerechte und leistbare Zukunft voranzutreiben. Wir haben die Macht, unser Stadtwerk in Freiburg und unsere lokalen öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen und so einen wichtigen Anstoß für die dringend benötigte Transformation zu geben.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan S
Disclose Rp310 trillion funding information to the public!Transparency in planning for an energy transition and strong public participation will create a fair energy transition. In planning for energy transition funding using JETP funds, wide public participation and disclosure of information regarding funding and planning will support the success of JETP. This is also important as a reference for current and future energy transition projects in Indonesia. Because Indonesia already has an energy transition programme apart from JETP, namely the Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM). Although ETM as a joint venture is separate from JETP, however, according to the President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), "It is hoped that ETM will become a key mechanism in ensuring the successful implementation of JETP." ETM is a joint venture of Indonesia with the ADB, with an agreed value of USD 500 million. Meanwhile, the pilot project for the implementation of ETM in Indonesia is the early retirement of Cirebon 1 Coal Power Plant. If looked at in terms of the value of the joint venture between ETM and JETP, JETP should not be regarded as subsidiary to ETM, but vice versa. Because ETM is purely private while JETP involves public funds. Any failure in the implementation of JETP will result in the loss of public funds from Indonesia's National Budget or public funds donated by the International Partners Group of countries (IPG). This is why transparency and public participation in the planning and implementation of JETP funding are extremely important to monitor the appropriate use of the funds for energy transition purposes and can become a reference point in the implementation of energy transition projects in Indonesia, one of which is ETM. The fact that the ADB plays a major role in the operations of the JETP secretariat makes it more likely that the planned retirement of Cirebon 1 will be adopted by JETP. Strong public participation and open information will increase the chances of achieving JETP's energy transition targets, one of which is the retirement of Cirebon 1. If the criteria for the plant's retirement can be set out in a transparent manner with public participation, these criteria can serve as a reference for the closure of Cirebon 1 to be funded by the ETM joint venture. The planned retirement of Cirebon 1 is welcomed by various elements in Cirebon, including ourselves, Climate Rangers Cirebon. We were happy to hear of the planned closure of the coal-fired plant in our area because since the plant started operating, it has created problems for the health, environment, and economy of the local residents. Last year in 2022, Climate Rangers Cirebon and KARBON monitored the air quality in the area around Cirebon 1. Based on the equipment we used, the results showed that the air quality was very unhealthy. Apart from the negative impact on health, Cirebon's fishermen and salt harvesters have also experienced economic losses. Fishermen must sail further out to sea to catch their fish because the number of fish has decreased. Meanwhile, many salt harvesters are finding it increasingly difficult to produce salt due to contamination of the seawater which is the source of the salt. People directly affected by the plant say that the quality of salt produced has declined and it is not as clean as before. The salt produced from pools around Cirebon 1 now is brownish in colour because the seawater is contaminated by waste and pollution from the plant. If the plant continues to operate, the quality of fish and salt will get worse and more people will be at risk of losing their livelihoods. Not only that. The explosion at the plant which occurred in 2014 and destroyed many people's homes also traumatised the community. We are afraid of the possibility of another explosion at the plant. When will Cirebon 1 be shut down? Will the funds be used only to close the plant or will they also be used to restore the condition of the local environment? Will funds also be provided to build health facilities for the community so the increased healthcare costs as a result of the negative effects of Cirebon 1 can be overcome? Who will be responsible for the process of retiring the plant, central government or the local authorities? What of the workers currently employed at the plant if it is closed? How can the public get involved in the closure process? There are many questions regarding the retirement of Cirebon 1 for the JETP Secretariat to consider so that the plant's closure as a pilot project of ETM can proceed according to agreed criteria and stages. In this way it is hoped that the plant's closure can proceed in accordance with the public's wishes. Therefore, through this petition, we, Climate Rangers Cirebon, call upon the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the JETP Secretariat to disclose the relevant information and to involve the public in energy transition projects funded by JETP, ETM, or other energy transition schemes, including plans for the closure of Cirebon 1. We are concerned that, without the disclosure of information and the involvement of the public, projects funded by JETP and other energy transition schemes will only create opportunities for false solutions which will sustain the use of fossil fuels including coal which contribute to the climate crisis, damage the environment, and cause social conflict at the local level, as well as creating the potential for the corrupt misuse of JETP funds. Energy transition funding, whether via JETP or other sources, must be fit for purpose, namely a fair energy transition that doesn't create false solutions or misleading information.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Climate Rangers Cirebon
Divest USU from Fossil Fuel IndustriesUtah State University's invested funds are collected from donations (called ‘endowments’), and the returns from those investments are used to pay USU's recurring budget costs. As of 2022, USU’s endowment was approximately $715 million. Those endowments are invested across many companies, particularly energy companies, which are seen as promising investments, despite the many negative effects they have on the environment and human health. Some of the worst-polluting companies are those listed on the Carbon Underground 200. Divesting from them would not put USU in financial jeopardy as quality investment options are available. Further, it would send an important message that USU is willing to do what it takes to protect the campus community from the threat of climate change. Return differences between portfolios excluding and including fossil fuels are statistically insignificant, and other organizations, including major newspapers, universities like U.C. Davis (a land-grant institution) and Unity College, and Catholic churches- have divested without negative financial consequences. As institutions of elevated education, Universities have a responsibility to their students, employees, and local communities to divest from fossil fuel industries.114 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cristina Chirvasa
Fossil Free Stellenbosch UniversityClimate change is a global crisis. Its implications will impact every global citizen, with the most disastrous consequences being felt by the impoverished. As stakeholders of Stellenbosch University, we as students must require the university's administration to invest in our future, and the future of our children, by divesting the university's endowment funds from fossil fuels and reinvesting them into sustainable funds. As members of the Stellenbosch community, we must ensure that the town's university - which has a substantial impact on Stellenbosch's development - administrates its funds sustainably, to ensure its long-term financial health. And as citizens of South Africa - a region threatened by extensive drought due to global warming - we must hold one of the wealthiest public universities in the country to account for funding climate change.129 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Anais Breytenbach
Für nachhaltige Finanzen der TU Darmstadt“Die TU Darmstadt übernimmt Verantwortung auf dem Weg einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung.” So steht es auf der Website der TU. Auch der Kanzler der TU Darmstadt Dr. Manfred Efinger bekennt sich zur Nachhaltigkeit, wenn er sagt, “nicht nur die TU Darmstadt als Institution, sondern jeder von uns einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten kann, den ökologischen Fußabdruck zu verringern” [1]. Zum nachhaltigen Handeln gehört auch klimagerechtes Investieren. Doch leider ist es nicht transparent, nach welchen Richtlinien die TU ihr Geld anlegt, obwohl sie sich selbst in der Rolle als Bildungsförderin sieht. Heute gängige Investitionspraktiken ermöglichen die weitere Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen. Mit einer öffentlichen Anlagerichtlinie, die Investitionen in klimaschädliche Industrien, wie der fossilen Industrie ausschließt und Investitionen in gemeinwohlorientierte Sektoren stärkt, würde die TU einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu den notwendigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen leisten und wäre ein Vorbild für klimagerechtes und zukunftsweisendes Handeln. Wir fragen uns, warum gibt es dann noch keinen Divestment-Beschluss der TU Darmstadt, um Anleihen in fossile Unternehmen auszuschließen? Warum gibt es keine Anlagerichtlinie, die Klimaschutz, Gemeinwohl und Gerechtigkeit stärkt? Die Universitäten in Münster, Göttingen und Freiburg haben es gezeigt, dass Uni-Divestment möglich ist. Und schon 2019 hat das Land Hessen beschlossen, die Mittel seiner Pensionsfonds künftig nach nachhaltigen Kriterien anzulegen. Der damalige hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer zeigte sich überzeugt, “dass langfristige Wertschöpfung nur in einem wirtschaftlich effizienten, nachhaltig gestalteten globalen Finanzsystem möglich ist” [2]. Ein Divestment-Beschluss der TU Darmstadt ginge weit über den symbolischen Wert hinaus. Selbst wenn aktuelle Investitionen nicht von solch einem Beschluss betroffen wären, wirkt diese Entscheidung für kommende Investitionen und als Vorbildfunktion für die Universitätslandschaft. Wir alle haben die Verantwortung die schlimmsten Folgen der Klimakrise abzuwenden. Die TU Darmstadt muss mit einem öffentlichen Divestment-Beschluss und einer zukunftsweisenden Anlagerichtlinie ihren Beitrag leisten. English version: With this petition we call on the Technical University of Darmstadt to: 1. not make any new investments in corporations that make profits from the extraction of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). 2. to withdraw own shares in direct and indirect investments in such companies, shares, mixed funds or corporate bonds within the next 2 years, i.e. to disinvest, and instead to reinvest in a socially responsible way. 3. to adopt and publish a sustainable investment policy that meets the above criteria. Why is this important? "The TU Darmstadt takes responsibility on the path of sustainable development." That's what it says on the TU's website. Its chancellor, Dr Manfred Efinger, is also committed to sustainability when he says that "not only TU Darmstadt as an institution, but each of us can make a significant contribution to reducing our ecological footprint" [1]. Sustainable action also includes climate-friendly investment. But unfortunately it is not transparent according to which guidelines the TU invests its money, even though it sees itself in the role of promoting education. Today's common investment practices enable the further destruction of our livelihoods. With a public investment guideline that excludes investments in climate-damaging industries, such as fossil fuels, and strengthens investments in sectors oriented towards the common good, TU would make a significant contribution to the necessary social changes and would be a role model for climate-friendly and forward-looking, sustainable action. We ask ourselves: Why then is there still no divestment resolution by TU Darmstadt to exclude bonds in fossil companies? Why are there no investment guidelines that strengthen climate protection, public welfare and justice? The universities in Münster, Göttingen and Freiburg have shown that university divestment is possible. And already in 2019, the state of Hessen decided to invest the funds of its pension funds according to sustainable criteria in the future. Dr Thomas Schäfer, Hessen's Finance Minister at the time, expressed his conviction "that long-term value creation is only possible in an economically efficient, sustainably designed global financial system" [2]. A divestment decision by TU Darmstadt would go far beyond symbolic value. Even if current investments were not affected by such a decision, this decision has an effect on future investments and as a role model for the university landscape. We all have a responsibility to avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis. The TU Darmstadt must make its contribution with a public divestment decision and a forward-looking investment guideline. Wer wir sind / Who we are: https://world.350.org/fossilfreedarmstadt https://www.instagram.com/fossilfreedarmstadt/ https://twitter.com/FossilFree_DA Quellenangaben / Sources: [1] https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/mitten_in_der_gesellschaft/nachhaltigkeit_tu/index.de.jsp [2] https://hmulv.hessen.de/pressearchiv/pressemitteilung/pensionsfonds-investieren-nachhaltige-aktienindizes-0 Bildnachweis / Images: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/studentsoftudarmstadt/bachelor_lehramt/faq.de.jsp167 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Fossil Free Darmstadt
BTH-studenternas klimatuppropBTH students’ climate call An urgent transition towards a future within the planetary boundaries (I) is vital and has already begun. An increasing number of Swedish universities have taken the first steps to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions: Stockholm University has signed an international initiative that calls for a climate emergency to be declared (II); The Department of Peace and Conflict at Uppsala University will halve their air travel emissions by 2022 (III); and Chalmers gives their exchange students grants for travelling by train (IV). It is now time for Blekinge Institute of Technology, that already has a sustainability profile, to become a part of this positive transition. With this petition, we demand that BTH, taking into account the Paris agreement, halves its greenhouse gas emissions within 4 years and that they are down at zero before 2030. This concerns all of BTH’s emissions, including for example domestic and foreign air travel and construction. In Sweden, we have both the responsibility and the possibilities to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions faster than the global average, as stressed by the Paris agreement (V). During 2018, air travel accounted for 83% (VI) of BTH's transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, and is therefore undoubtedly the most important area for BTH to reduce its climate impact. We demand that BTH develops action plans with clear guidelines and measurable and time-bound goals on how these (and other) emissions should be reduced. We also demand that greenhouse gas emissions from study trips as well as invited partners' travels are included in the calculations. By reducing air travel, as soon as possible choosing climate-smart transport alternatives, and in the short term compensating for air travel emissions (and other emissions that are difficult to eliminate quickly), BTH takes responsibility and will strengthen its profile as a university with a focus on sustainability and IT, nationally and globally. Finally, with regards to the regulatory letter for 2020 and the Climate Framework's commitments, we demand that BTH allocates more resources, human and financial, for the work with sustainability. This call is directed to both the university management and the faculty management to clarify the joint responsibility that you have in deciding the direction of BTH. The petition will be handed over when Klimatstudenterna meet with BTH's management during spring 2020. The science is pointing in one clear direction: We are heading towards one of the biggest crises in modern history. BTH has the opportunity to lead the way into a sustainable future, with talented researchers and teachers in IT and sustainability and with dedicated students who want to do more for sustainability. Take advantage of this, practice what you teach, and act now! Signed, Blekinge Studentkår (Student Union) PlanKan Klimatstudenterna BTH (Climate Students BTH) References (I). Rockström, J. et al. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature, 461(7263):472-475. (II). Stockholms universitet. (2019). Stockholm University signs global call for Climate Emergency. https://bolin.su.se/index.php/news/891-stockholm-university-signs-global-call-for-climate-emergency?fbclid=IwAR0thC9L3-l-IyRqh95ZREoq7zSdskYBq8UJLksuTVxX5_qw0DjUOvMHY2w (III). Upsala nya tidning. (2019). Uppsala universitet måste minska flygandet. https://www.unt.se/asikt/debatt/uppsala-universitet-maste-minska-flygandet-5271603.aspx (IV). Chalmers tekniska högskola. (2019). Chalmersstudenter byter från flyg till tåg. https://www.chalmers.se/sv/styrkeomraden/energi/nyheter/Sidor/Chalmersstudenter-byter-fran-flyg-till-tag-.aspx?fbclid=IwAR3WPd3JURQSllzr3QYKuQh9GOKzajMV-ViwhTQXGzWjgu21qTry20-xhCk (V). Klimatstudenterna. (2019). Klimatstudenternas mål. https://klimatstudenterna.se/verktyg/ (VI). Blekinge tekniska högskola. (2019). Redovisning av miljöledningsarbetet 2018.450 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Klimatstudenterna BTH
Stop Colonial Land Fraud in Kanehsatà:keOn 11 October 2019, a Kanien’kéha:ka (Mohawk) member of the Kanehsatà:ke community in what is today known as Quebec, Canada, started a Hunger Strike to raise awareness about ongoing land fraud. The strike ended on 25 October 2019 - after two weeks. The strike was taken to bring to attention to the longstanding historical land dispute which has been ignored by officials for over 300 years. Four years ago, the Liberals like all previous governments of Canada before them, deliberately ignored the requests by the Rotinonhseshá:ka to have a meeting to discuss the land dispute; to stop land fraud. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did so with discrimination and disrespect. Still today, in spite of a public calls to respect Indigenous peoples human rights through such reports as the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women’s inquiry final report, all of which have called for a change in relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples; Canada remains silent, refuses to act to protect the rights of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke from “being molested by settlers”; and condones the acts of land fraud on our Homelands The longstanding historical land dispute which was the crux of the 1990 Kanehsatà:ke Siege or Oka Crisis has never been resolved. Therefore, the Hunger Striker is giving of himself in support of the rights of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke to protect the land for present and future generations. A resolution to our land dispute must be in an atmosphere of peace in order to bridge the cavernous break in the relationship between Canada and Onkwehón:we (Indigenous) peoples. We demand once again, for the Government of Canada to place a short term moratorium to halt all development on Kanien’kehá:ka Homelands and for PM Trudeau to meet with the Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke. The Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke strive for a peaceful resolution to this issue that has plagued Kanehsatà:ke and other Indigenous peoples for far too long.1,721 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sean Carleton