Stop Fracking in Ohio's ParksThree years ago Governor John Kasich approved new state legislation that would permit hydraulic fracturing in Ohio's State parks. 3300 acres of park property have already been set aside for Natural Gas and Oil wells. These wells endanger thousands of residents every day while operating, not to mention the lasting impact for years after the well has been drilled. We must stand together to prevent the destruction of our state parks.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by AJ Iarussi
Oregon Climate DeclarationWe, the people of Oregon, recognize that we face a climate crisis that threatens the well-being of the people and nature of the state we love. The decisions we make today will dictate the quality of our lives together and those of generations to come. Divestment will help to protect not only a safe future for our children and grandchildren, but also our state’s financial portfolio. Carbon pricing will encourage energy efficiency in transportation, businesses and homes. From the Bottle Bill and Land Use Planning to Public Beach Access and the Eight-Hour Work Day, Oregon has been a national leader. We call on Oregon to lead once again on this critical issue. It’s good for the climate, it’s good for the economy, it’s good for our families.3,076 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by 350 PDX
First Nations: We believe you, not Big Oil CEO'sNeil Young continues to make national headlines with his cross-Canada concert tour this week, and Canadians are responding in droves, crowdfunding almost $60,000 for ACFN’s legal defence at www.HonourTheACFN.ca. Young’s response to the Prime Minister’s attacks was brilliant: “... to the thousands of hard-working Canadians… we have respect for all working people. The quandary we face is the job they are working on. They are digging a hole that our grandchildren will have great trouble digging their way out of. … There are better jobs to be developing, with clean energy industries to help make the world a safer place for our grandchildren.” Canada must clean up its act in the oil sands, and stop denying the significant downside to out of control resource exploitation that only benefits a few yet leaves such a great cost for the rest of us. Now is the time to push: thanks to Neil’s concerts this week, the media's attention is finally on the reality of tar sands impacts, and his message is reaching ordinary Canadians across the country. Let's show the Athabasca Chipewyan and other First Nations that Canadians acknowledge their reality and want solutions for the tar sands disaster, not more denial and empty talking points. Please sign and share. Let’s do this, Jason P.S. 100% of the funds from Neil’s tour are going to the legal defence fund of the ACFN, and over 1,000 generous supporters have donated to their crowdfunding website! They are ¾ of the way to their goal of $75,000. Can you chip in $10? www.HonourTheACFN.ca Sources: Neil Young Comments get massive support in Alberta: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/14/neil-young-oilsands-comments_n_4597793.html Neil Young Responds to PMO’s Defence of Oilsands: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/neil-young-responds-to-pmo-s-defence-of-oilsands-1.249495010,549 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Jason Mogus
Say no to corporate power grabs - reject the Trans-Pacific PartnershipThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a highly secretive and expansive free trade agreement between the United States and twelve Pacific Rim countries, including Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia. Leaked text reveals that the TPP would empower corporations to directly sue governments in private and non-transparent trade tribunals over laws and policies that corporations allege reduce their profits. Legislation designed to address climate change, curb fossil fuel expansion and reduce air pollution could all be subject to attack by corporations as a result of TPP. Additionally, the deal could criminalize internet use, undermine workers’ and human rights, manipulate copyright laws, restrict government regulation of food labeling and adversely impact subsidized healthcare. The movement we are building locally, nationally and globally to move beyond fossil fuels and create a safe climate future is growing by the day and the fossil fuel industry is getting scared of the uncertainty ahead. The TPP is a symptom of this fear – a massive bid to overthrow any restrictions we might throw at them. But we can stop this. The might of our movement is greater than their money or manipulation. Sign this petition to show our governments that we won’t stand for foreign corporations disabling our sovereignty, democratic processes or the right to a safe future. https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.350.org/images/TPP-relaced.png41,065 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Eduardo Santaela
A National Renewable Energy GridAustralia should set an international example by implementing the plan designed and fully costed by Beyond Zero Emissions environmental organisation and The University of Melbourne Energy Research Institute. In the absence of any agreed plan to rapidly phase out the burning of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions are set to go on increasing for decades. This will prevent any chance of restricting global temperature rise to two degrees Celsius. As James Hansen of NASA bluntly states "The target that has been talked about in international negotiations for two degrees of warming is actually a prescription for long-term disaster." The current Australian target of 5% reduction of emissions by 2020 is dangerously inadequate. A target of 40-60% by 2030 is needed and may still be within reach if we begin construction of a national renewable energy grid over a ten year time frame without more loss of time. With accelerating release of methane from permafrost and the ocean floor, a positive feedback effect we could do nothing to slow could lead to runaway and irreversible warming, causing temperature rises of three to four degrees or more above pre-industrial. This would be disastrous for all life on the planet. We must stop burning fossil fuels. A national and international wind and solar transition scheme is urgently needed, technically achievable, and humanly possible. Ref: Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan – http://bze.org.au/ I believe Australia’s great resource of sunlight should be the opportunity for the country to lead the world in exploiting this renewable energy. – David Suzuki “The time has come, once and for all, for this nation to fully embrace a clean-energy future.” - Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, June 2010 Image: SOLUCAR PS10 afloresm307 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Harry Stevens
Ecocide is a Crime against Peace and needs an additional International Law to Stop it.Our environment is unprotected from the misuse of its abundant assets. Damaging it ultimately damages all living organisms of which Humans are just one. Perils such as climate change, toxification of land, river systems and oceans, loss of tropical and temperate rain forests with all their dependent species and loss of polar and mountain glacial deposits are some of the well known consequences of Ecocide in action, unchallenged by an unaware populace in who's name the destruction is excused. This must stop and we all must say it. The world already has produced 4 laws that protect peace that can be enforced in the International Criminal Court including the crime of Genocide. An additional law, Ecocide would protect all species that enjoy an ecosystem from deliberate harm to the system. This would disincentivise investments in corporations who damage our environment and would make CEO's of them liable to criminal charges if they break the law. This legal process has already been proved to work in a mock trial in 2011 in London, UK. Please will you also sign the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) which has a legal standing? www.endecocide.eu670 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Greg Dance
Stop coal-based Rampal power plant and save Sundarban.Sundarban is the world’s largest mangrove forest and a UNESCO world’s heritage site. This proposed power plant is going to be built within 14 km of the forest, more precisely just 9km away from many reserved sections of the forest. This will definitely have a devastating and irreversible impact on the Sundarbans, its ecology and biodiversity. For establishing this 1320 Megawatt power plant, Bangladesh will need to import about 4.72 million tons of coal each year. This massive freight will need about 59 ships each having an 80,000 ton capacity that take to the port which is 40 Kilometers away from the plant and its route cuts through the Sundarbans. The scale of impact is beyond doubt and that has stirred the local dwellers and environmental activists to stop this dangerous project. Many esteemed organisations, political parties and national leaders have spoken against the Rampal plant. The message has been simple - “There are many alternatives to generate power, but Sundarbans has no alternative”. We need you to join the struggle and build international support to stop the Rampal plant, demand alternative energy and preserve the beautiful forests of the Sundarbans.3,603 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Marzia Israt
Climate Justice for TuvaluansTuvaluans are not as aware of the reasons why they are experiencing extreme climatic changes. Most just think that it is an act of God that is constantly punishing people for various reasons through droughts especially. This not only shows ignorance of the facts and reality around them but a need to change mind sets so that people can easily adapt and also prepare them for the worst to come. Tuvalu is one of the smallest island nations in the world and it is almost ignored in the international arena because of its population and land mass size. The international arena may not be paying so much attention because we have no wealth in terms of GDP and GNP. However, just because we do not have monetary significance as a developing small island nation we are humans and deserve the rights afforded upon all to have a home, identity, language and self determination. Most Tuvaluans have no clue of what the climate justice stance Tuvalu has as in where will we be moving if sea level rises to a point where people are forced to migrate? Where will our 10,000 Tuvaluans live in 50years time? What plans do we have in terms of fighting climate change? Are we asking developed and powerful nations to mitigate? Are we just going to sit back and try to adapt as best possible? So many unanswered questions need to have answers.385 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Lisepa Paeniu
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, on our climate threatThe year of 2013 has witnessed 3 MAJOR STRIKES on the climate front. ONE - passing the mark of 400 parts per million of atmospheric carbon, in MAY 2013. TWO - a study was released in AUGUST 2013, revealing the fastest acceleration yet, of acidification in the ocean, marking ten times the norm, which was substantiated by a Columbia Univ study in March 2012, indicating the pace of ocean acidification has no parallel in 300 million years. THREE - at the writing of this petition, a major city - San Francisco - is currently threatened by wildfire, potentially shutting down its water and power supply - AUGUST 2013. World cities are showing constant threat now from wildfire, floods and hurricanes.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Priscilla Rich
Foot paths and Bicycle Tracks shoud be mandatory for urban roadsThe last mile mobility should not be by Fossil Fuel powered vehicles. The rate of growth of cars and 2 wheelers powered by petroleum products is contributing to the dangerous raise of green house gases and fast raise of global temperatures. More immediate effect is urban heat Islands that is making life in cities unbearable during summer months. So a shit to pedal power and walking is to be encouraged by design of the roads.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George C Paul
BBC news reporting should feature a regular climate change reportThe BBC has a responsibility to licence fee payers to report items of interest to the general public. Arguably, the single most important newsworthy item both now, and into the foreseeable future, is global warming and climate change. Now, more than ever, national -- and international -- education on the facts of human-induced climate change is ever more relevant for informed debate on action. The BBC is perfectly placed to take a leadership role in this important area. Featuring a climate change report in the BBC's standard programming schedule would be immensely useful in counteracting the ongoing, and very damaging, effects of myths and misinformation.973 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Colin Reynolds
Stop LNG Exports in Oregon!Without fracking there would not be enough gas to export. Hydraulic fracturing is a process that pollutes and uses huge amounts of drinking water, compromises public health, and threatens agriculture. This type of gas extraction is bitterly opposed by communities across the country. Liquefied natural gas is also extremely dangerous to transport, because it is highly volatile. An accident at either of the proposed Oregon terminals could easily wipe out large portions of the North Bend, Coos Bay, and Warrenton communities. Close to 17,000 people live in the hazard zones of concern for the Coos Bay project alone. Residents up to a mile away could receive second degree burns within 30 seconds if an LNG pool-fire were to develop. The proposed facility is in sight of the town's mall, schools, and commercial airport. These risks become even more frightening given the high probability of a major earthquake and tsunami in this region over the next 50 years. The proposed terminals would be fed by a series of pipelines that would cross hundreds of fish-bearing rivers and streams, public and private lands, acres of pristine forest, and many Oregon towns. Landowners will have their property taken by eminent domain, receiving a one time payment while assuming the continued devaluation and risk. These LNG export terminals would do nothing to lower energy prices, while threatening North Bend, Coos Bay, and Warrenton residents with increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This means increased respiratory and other health problems, especially for "at risk" children and elders. The terminals would compromise local industries, like farming, fishing, and tourism while deeply impacting unique coastal ecosystems, including a federally protected estuary. Export of LNG is no future for Oregon. We want a better vision!54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JC Williams